latest 20 messages by tang^

+ [2019-12-02T22:07:02Z] tang^ !squash
+ [2019-12-02T22:06:53Z] tang^ look up git merge squash
+ [2019-11-25T18:30:39Z] tang^ typo... identityfile
+ [2019-11-21T21:48:01Z] tang^ eidax00: oh...
+ [2019-11-21T21:46:25Z] tang^ the spec is easy enough to find... what tool they use to do the conversion...
+ [2019-11-21T21:45:33Z] tang^ eidax00: probably something custom
+ [2019-11-15T23:24:50Z] tang^ no
+ [2019-11-15T17:10:36Z] tang^ there are a lot of options for windows now
+ [2019-11-15T17:10:29Z] tang^ git for windows includes a shell with openssh
+ [2019-11-15T17:09:00Z] tang^ on windows you'd usually configure that to use putty before openssh got rather usable
+ [2019-11-15T17:08:34Z] tang^ yeah
+ [2019-11-15T17:06:11Z] tang^ oh, GIT_SSH_COMMAND takes precedence over GIT_SSH and allows arguments to be added
+ [2019-11-15T17:05:28Z] tang^ ah
+ [2019-11-15T17:03:46Z] tang^ (bottom of the page for GIT_SSH)
+ [2019-11-15T17:03:07Z] tang^ the book doesn't mention GIT_SSH_COMMAND
+ [2019-11-15T17:02:28Z] tang^ err, yeah, using the correct program
+ [2019-11-15T17:02:13Z] tang^ or wherever it lives
+ [2019-11-15T17:01:48Z] tang^ if that doesn't work, see #git for better support on Git itself
+ [2019-11-15T17:01:26Z] tang^ lmat: ^
+ [2019-11-15T17:01:12Z] tang^ GIT_SSH='/usr/bin/git -v' git fetch